Zurück zur Mediathek
Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2011
Kapitel 1 - 2:18 Min. Hjalmar Schacht
Kapitel 2 - 4:35 Min. Economic Resurgence
Kapitel 3 - 4:13 Min. National Bankruptcy or War

20. Jahrhundert: 1914-1945 | Nationalsozialismus


"Give me four years", Hitler demands in 1933. He wants to overcome the severe economic crisis of the Reich – and, indeed, the upswing succeeds. Reich Economics Minister Hjalmar Schacht boosts the economy with massive public debt and numerous employment programmes such as the construction of the autobahns. The objective is to make Germany fit for war. As of 1936, this is also the aim of Hitler’s (non-public) Four-Year Plan, according to which the Reich is to be economically and militarily prepared for war within four years. He wants to pay off the huge national debt through war profits. Therefore, in 1939, the Second World War marks the beginning not only of the military subjugation of the conquered territories, but also of their complete plundering. mehr weniger
economic policies, Weimar Republic, Adolf Hitler, Reichsbank President, Reich’s Minister of Economics, , state budget, public debt, investment credits, unemployment numbers, building highways, work service, military duty, full employment, income levels, rearming, Hermann Göring, four-year program, four year plan, armament industry, rearmament, Hjalmar Schacht, bills of exchange, armament expenditures, economic resurgence, budget deficit, Poland, spoils of war, foodstuffs, raw materials
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