Frühe Neuzeit | Reformation
Everyday Life in the Luther Household
The “Lutherin” is what Katharina von Bora often comes to be called. In 1525, the runaway nun marries the church rebel Martin Luther and, for him, she becomes a major support. For not only does she care for the children and the household, as a capable businesswoman, free from financial concerns, she enables him to advance his reformatory cause. And as a clever and educated woman, she even takes part in the scholarly discussions in the Luther home - unusual behaviour and a privilege for a woman of those times.
Wittenberg, Augustinian Monastery, Martin Luther, Katharina von Bora, family, children, servants, maids, students, household, brewing beer, wine cellar, property, livestock, self-sufficient, garden, fields, vegetables, fruits, fishing, income and expences, daily life, daylight, kitchen, stove, clothing, child mortality, diseases, hygiene
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