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Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2009
Kapitel 1 - 1:05 Min. Memphis and the Garbage Workers Strike
Kapitel 2 - 1:16 Min. “I am a man”
Kapitel 3 - 0:45 Min. Discrediting Martin Luther King
Kapitel 4 - 0:56 Min. The March
Kapitel 5 - 1:29 Min. The Poor People’s Campaign
Kapitel 6 - 1:10 Min. The “Mountain-top” Speech
Kapitel 7 - 1:08 Min. A Girl’s Letter
Kapitel 8 - 1:25 Min. Fear of Death
Kapitel 9 - 2:50 Min. The Assassination
Kapitel 10 - 1:49 Min. Martin Luther King’s Final Moments

Geschichte der USA | 20. Jahrhundert

Interview with Billy Kyles

Reverend Samuel Billy Kyles (1934-2016) was pastor of the Monumental Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee. He supported the garbage workers in Memphis when they went on strike in February 1968, because of low wages and abysmal working conditions and was able to persuade Martin Luther King to show his solidarity with the strikers. On April 3rd 1968, King gave his famous mountaintop speech in Memphis. The following day, Kyle witnessed King’s fatal assassination. Kyle continued to be actively involvement in the civil rights movement and received numerous honors and awards, including the 1992 Tennessee Living Legend Award. The 14-minute interview can be used in both history lessons and English classes. mehr weniger
Martin Luther King, strike, garbage workers, equal rights, whites, blacks, Equal Rights, Whites, Blacks, Campaign Against Poverty, Mountaintop Speech, Voting Rights Act, Free Information Act, police brutality, peaceful demonstration, poverty, Memphis, Assassination, 1963, Promised Land, Dum-Dum bullet, partial jacket bullet, Lorraine Mo, St. Joseph Medical Center
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