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Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2012
Kapitel 1 - 8:15 Min. Right-wing Extremism in Reunified Germany
Kapitel 2 - 5:43 Min. Anti-Semitism in the GDR

20. Jahrhundert: 1945 bis heute | Friedliche Revolution 1989/90

Right-wing Extremism and Anti-Semitism

Hoyerswerda, Mölln, Solingen: With the German reunification, violence against foreigners rises alarmingly, especially in the new federal states. What the SED has concealed for decades is now clearly apparent: the right-wing scene in the East is growing and arming itself. After the fall of the Wall, it benefits from a societal climate in which anger and disappointment – e.g. over job losses – are directed against foreign people. Support comes from radical right-wing groups in the West, where especially Turkish families who have lived in the Federal Republic for a long time are now targets of racist attacks. The fear of supposed "foreign infiltration" also heats up the political sentiment. In 1993, the Kohl government restricts the asylum law. | In this film version, German interviews and historical or literary quotes remain untranslated. mehr weniger
FRG, reunification, violence against foreigners, radical right-wing groups, West, xenophobia, right-wing scene, neo-fascists, anti-fascist state, contract workers, socialist brother nations, modern work slaves, racist attacks, racist hate, scapegoats, National Socialism, xenophobic slogans, Eberswalde, skinheads, Amadeu Antonio Kiowa, racist society, racist policy, anti-Israel foreign policy, anti-semitic, Nazi graffiti, memorial site of Buchenwald, Weimar, communist victims of fascism, criminal offences by right-wing extremists
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