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Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2012
Kapitel 1 - 5:02 Min. The Potsdam Conference
Kapitel 2 - 8:36 Min. Implementation of the Potsdam Resolutions
Kapitel 3 - 5:16 Min. Bloc Formation
Kapitel 4 - 3:13 Min. Two States, Two Ideologies

20. Jahrhundert: 1945 bis heute | Nachkriegszeit

The Allies’ German Policy

In August 1945, the Allied Control Council sets to work. The Supreme Commanders of the four occupied zones are to advise on all pan-German issues and implement the Potsdam resolutions. Germany is to be demilitarised, its industry decentralised and industrial plants dismantled to cover the costs of the war. In addition, the population is to be denazified and democratised. But it soon becomes clear that the Cold War has long since begun. The attempt at a common policy is shattered by ideological differences and great mistrust. The Soviet occupation zone becomes a geostrategic buffer zone, with communism being the dominant ideology. The USA holds out against this with the Marshall Plan as an economic – and political – weapon. The division of Germany is only a question of time. | In this film version, German interviews and historical or literary quotes remain untranslated. mehr weniger
Berlin Karlshorst, Lucius Clay, victorious powers, Josef Stalin, Soviet Union, Russia, Winston Churchill, Great Britain, England, Harry Truman, America, USA, post-war policy, Europe, military balance, atomic bomb, Cold War, ideological conflicts, ideologies, ideology, eastern border, western powers, zones of occupation, Allied Control Council, occupied zones, demilitarisation, France, dismantlement, industry, industrial assemblies, machinery, reparations, Krupp, denazification, summary courts, Nuremberg Trials, anti-fascism, antifascism, SBZ, Soviet Occupied Zone, US-Zone, US Zone, democratisation, Western Germany, West Germany, Eastern Germany, East Germany, West Zone, East Zone, elections, votes, party plurality, Socialist Unity Party of Germany, SED, economic unity, economic cordoning, state of emergency, liberal-capitalist economy, plan economy, planned economy, Ideology, Communism, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, capitalism, Marshall Plan, economy, Wladimir Semjonow, blockade, air lift, separation, western nation, eastern nation, Federal Republic, FRG, Bonn, Federal Government, western state, West, German Democratic Republic, GDR, eastern state, East, Berlin, ideological contradictions, unity, cenotaph, Treptower Park, Liberty Bell, Schöneberger Rathaus
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