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Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2014
Kapitel 1 - 4:44 Min. 1917: Battle Fatigue on the Front and in the Homeland
Kapitel 2 - 5:53 Min. The Russian Revolution and Hopes of Peace
Kapitel 3 - 6:02 Min. Theatres of War
Kapitel 4 - 5:46 Min. The USA Decides the War
Kapitel 5 - 5:41 Min. Balance: Winners and Losers

20. Jahrhundert: 1914-1945 | Erster Weltkrieg

The First World War and the End of Old Europe

1917: The First World War has been raging for over two years with no end in sight. Soldiers are deployed on ever new offensives - human resources senselessly wasted. French troops are the first to revolt and there are also strikes and hunger protests on the home front, as in many of the warring nations. After two revolutions, Russia finally withdraws from the war in December 1917. Since the spring of 1918, over two million US soldiers have been supporting the entente powers, driving back the German troops and sealing the military defeat of the Reich. By the end of the war in November 1918, the death toll is over 16 million - and old Europe is politically shattered. In place of the old empires, new, politically unstable nation states are emerging. mehr weniger
Western Front, France, soldiers, army, armies, troops, colonies, colony, offensives, cannon fodder, mutiny, mutinies, strikes, protests, commander-in-chief, Henri Philippe Pétain, provisions, home front, hunger riots, George Clemenceau, nation, Russia, February Revolution, proteste, Tsar, provisional government, democracy, Pope, Benedict XV, America, Woodrow Wilson, diplomacy, reparations, military victory, Great Britain, England, Siegfried Sassoon, conduct of war, pacifism, pacifists, homeland, Alice Wheeldon, October Revolution, Lenin, Bolsheviks, German Reich, truce, Belgium, Flanders, Ypres, British High Command, major offensives, suicide mission, trenches, Germany, German Empire, mustard gas, poison gas, dead, wounded, Alpine Front, Austria, Italy, Isonzo, breakthrough, prisoners of war, executions, North Sea Blockade, starvation, submarine warfare, warships, merchant ships, merchant vessels, USA, declaration of war, entering the war, peace movement, Jeannette Ranking, propaganda, patriotism, freedom, allies, assaults, bloodbath, military defeat, ceasefire, capitulation, Europe, Russian Empire, Communists, Habsburg monarchy, Austria-Hungary, November Revolution, republic, Ottoman Empire, nations, national independence, national self-determination, world power, peace conference, Versailles, peace negotiations, forced peace
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