Zurück zur Mediathek
Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2016
Kapitel 1 - 7:21 Min. Monasteries and Convents
Kapitel 2 - 6:09 Min. Marriage and Family

Frühe Neuzeit | Reformation

The Reformation in Everyday Life

Luther’s rebellion against the Church changes the world - in ways both great and small. For the Reformation encroaches massively into the daily lives of many. Predominantly the private lives of the clergy, of men and women alike, are turned upside down and restructured. The religious orders shall now become married couples and double standards transformed into a strict morality. Likewise the role of the “common” woman is to be redefined. Disputes on when and how this is exactly to occur are not only limited to men. Women, too, are deeply divided on the issue. This is especially reflected by two nuns, who fight for their rights and for self-determination, thereby pursuing two distinctly opposite goals: Katarina von Bora and Caritas Pirckheimer. mehr weniger
Middle Ages, nuns, monks, follow Christ, basic care, food, illness, girls, women, woman, Latin, universal language, education, Martin Luther, reforms, salvation, Wittenberg, Katharina von Bora, Nuremberg, Convent of St. Clara, abbess, Caritas Pirckheimer, convent life, convent chapel, freedom of conscience, Catholic services, father, mother, children, servants, household, hierarchy, unmarriage, man, men, offspring, prostitution, priests, nuns double standards, celibacy, chastity, abstinence, canon law, partners in marriage, conjugal duties, adultery, motherhood, head of the family
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