Geschichte der USA | 17.-19. Jahrhundert
European Immigration
1620: English Puritans, the Pilgrim Fathers, land in Massachusetts Bay on their ship the Mayflower. The new arrivals only survive the first hard winter with the aid of the Wampanoag and their chief Massasoit. But the immigrants soon claim more land and the expulsion and destruction of the indigenous cultures begins. Only the Quaker William Penn takes a different path in Pennsylvania, forbidding any settlers to forcibly wrest land from the natives. African slaves, too, become victims: abducted and transported to North America, where they must toil on the plantations. The Europeans secure the profit - through the lucrative triangular trade between Europe, Africa and North America.
New England colonies, Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, Mayflower, Puritans, Jamestown, Virginia Company, colony, colonies, Native Americans, Indians, North America, Wampanoag, Massasoit, emigration, women, male dominated society, settlements, racial segregation, Pequot War, massacres, triangular trade, slave laborers, lack of a work force, Virginia, tobacco crops, cotton, Africa, Africans, Quaker, Pennsylvania, Compromise instead of displacement, Germans, chain reaction of migration, genocide
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