Zurück zur Mediathek
Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2012
Kapitel 1 - 5:32 Min. Youth and Students in the Opposition
Kapitel 2 - 2:24 Min. Political Justice and the Ministry for State Security
Kapitel 3 - 4:07 Min. The Abduction of Karl Wilhelm Fricke

20. Jahrhundert: 1945 bis heute | Geteiltes Deutschland 1949-1969

Opposition and Repression in the GDR

In 1950, the GDR sets up the Ministry for State Security (Stasi). From now on, Stasi agents are closely watching to see who steps out of line - not only in the GDR. The citizens of West Berlin are not safe from Erich Mielke’s henchmen either. This is what journalist Karl Wilhelm Fricke experiences when he is kidnapped in 1955 and taken to the Hohenschönhausen remand prison. Being accused of maintaining illegal contacts in the GDR, he is imprisoned for over a year, most of it in total isolation and interrupted only by hours of interrogation. Ultimately, Fricke is sentenced to four years in prison. After his release, he resumes working as a journalist and writes of the Stasi’s methods and the SED’s unjust regime – this time from first-hand experience. | In this film version, German interviews and historical or literary quotes remain untranslated. mehr weniger
SED dictatorship, Ministry for State Security, Stasi, propaganda, White Rose, resistance, FDJ, uprising, protest, Hungary, communism, trial, treason, prison, show trials, SED Politburo, SED regime, judges, division of powers, Hilde Benjamin, Erich Mielke, apparatus of power, stasi collaborators, West Berlin, journalist, kidnapping, prison of Hohenschönhausen, torture, isolation, interrogations ensue, interrogation protocols, Supreme Court
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Empfehlung der Medienbegutachtung Baden-Württemberg für den Geschichtsunterricht

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